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Medical Device Tray Sealers with features preferred by packaging engineers.



Medical Device Tray Sealers with the features you need configured to your operational requirements from the #1 innovator, Atlas Vac Machine.  Technology Excellence means you lead with innovations.

Innovations by Atlas Vac

Automatic shuttles.  First auto pneumatic over 30 years ago.

Electric shuttles. The first 10 years ago.

RFID Tool nests.  First with 20+ years in use.

Force sensing press.  First & only for 13 years.

Light Curtains meeting Cat 3 and ISO13849 correct distance calculations. 8 years in use.

All Electric Tray Sealer (no pneumatics).  First, 8 years in use.

Low wear plastic spring pins.  First, over 20 years in use.

Replaceable molded silicone tooling gaskets. Over 28 years in use.

Now the Enterprise Integration System for bi-directional data exchange & Audit Trail